An Iscoyd Park wedding, that’s exciting isn’t it.

This beautiful wedding venue is on the border of Wales and England. It’s a well oiled wedding machine and I would most definitely recommend it. The food served at Iscoyd Park was sublime and I was lucky enough to try some.

An Iscoyd Park wedding to remember

Sophie and Dan’s wedding was beautiful.  A perfect wedding venue always helps but beautiful people are unforgettable.  Taking photographs of folk that are invested in their experience is gratifying. Sophie and Dan’s pre-wed shoot took place in Beddgelert one summer evening when the sun gave us the most beautiful light.  Their spaniel Ruby provided some fun.  I’ve told you about the advantages of a pre-wed shoot and I’m quite sure Dan would support me on this. It makes you ‘camera ready’ and you feel prepared for the main event. You understand what it is  I’m looking for and we work as a team, a mighty one! Have a look how Sophie and Dan’s wedding came together. Here’s just a flavour of their lovely day.

My fellow suppliers were: Venue – Iscoyd Park, Hair – Vicky M Hair, MUA – Maxine Smith, Wedding cake – Hayley’s Piped Dreams, Flowers – White Wysteria, Dress – Stella York, Brides of Chester,

I’m Gill Jones and I’m an Anglesey wedding photographer and North Wales wedding photographer. If you like the way I’ve told the story of Sophie and Dan’s day then please contact me here and we can talk about your wedding day.